You own it?
We prove it!Protect your bike with our blockchain based NFT ownership certificate

Keep all your receipts on the blockchain
Secure your property with blockchain based Ownership Protocol
Easily buy, sell, and manage physical assets – a full provenance solution.

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Manage your physical asset with it’s blockchain based NFT

Where’s the receipt?Losing receipts, damaged receipts, burned in fires, etc. will be a think of the past. Check the ownership state of the product by searching for the frame number on the blockchain or scanning our proprietary frame rfID with your phone. One scan and you’ll have the whole story.

Stolen bike?Just get onto our app and click on the “report theft.” After going through the process and verifying, you will change the state of the item to “stolen.” This will inhibit whoever stole the item from reselling. If no sale is attempted, then the bike will be discovered by our trust network when the user takes it to a bike mechanic for repairs or upgrades.

Bikeshop time?Change the status to “under repair,” specify the repair service in our trusted network, and then the modified details. Your property is flexible and will display a full history of changes and service. You have a proof of ownership NFT that changes and updates in real time.

Wanna sell?It’s easier and safer than ever. Change statuses, specify details, manage ownership – with WEB3-powered Ownership Protocol. Specify a new owner, and your receipt and item are transferred to another collection, instantly, safely and reliably. Want to start the sale online? Start it in our portal and lock in the product and price, use our escrow, and finish the sale at one of our trusted network locations for verification and safety.

Where’s the receipt?No more losing receipts, damaged receipts, burned in fires, etc, check the ownership state of the product by searching for the frame number on the blockchain or scanning our proprietary frame rfID with your phone. One scan and you’ll have the whole story.

Bikeshop time?Change the status to “under repair,” specify the repair service, and then the modified details. Your property is flexible and will display a full history of changes. You have a proof of ownership that changes in real time and is backed by NFT.

Stolen Bike?Just get onto our app and click on the “report theft.” After going through the process and verifying, you will change the state of the item to “stolen.” This will inhibit whoever stole the item from reselling. If no sale is attempted, then the bike will be discovered by our trust network when the user takes it to a bike mechanic for repairs or upgrades.

Want to sell?It’s easier and safer than ever. Change statuses, specify details, manage ownership – collect real and digital things with WEB3-powered Ownership Protocol technology. Specify a new owner, and your receipt and item are transferred to another collection, instantly, safely and trusted.

Our values and objectives – grand scale.

Spiral economy

In order to do this we create a way to easily prove the legitimacy and authenticity of products even if the item is very old. This technology will inspire manufacturers to produce more reliable, repairable, renewable products.

Less Waste

We want things that are made to last not years, but decades. We want products that skip the landfill and continue to be used. To do this, we are creating an eco-system that will certify and protect the lifetime value of long-lasting products.

More Trust

We create property technology that cannot be faked. Once a certificate is created, it always retains a complete history of changes without the possibility of tampering. This is an ecosystem to trust and verify.
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What’s under the hood?





Non-fungible Token

We use different type of blockchain token that is non-fungible, which means that each one is unique. It’s been all the rave for the past couple years as the world has tried to discover how to utilize them in the most intelligent ways. Our underpinning is the NFT, with special legal contracts, and trusted network infrastructure, to create a digital twin of your real world asset, and in effect because of the legal framework discovered and cited it becomes the legal ownership of the RWA (paralleled to physical ownership — possession)

Radio Frequency Identifier + NFC

A little radio microfrequency chip built into the item that responds when your reading device gets close to it. It sends specific information when your device process it accordingly with Near Field Communication chip. In our case the chip will send your scanning device the link to the NFT page that is legal ownership of the item, i.e. the bicycle.

WEB3 & Blockchain

Time layered and decentralized databases that maintain initial item state in history even when things are changed. Your goods that are on the blockchain have unadultered, free flowing, transparent history. Scan with the NFC to check the NFT; or get a link messaged to you; or generate QR; or search for the frame number – and you will get to the legal ownership certificate displaying the different contracts that make up the token and establish legal ownership and show its history. Welcome to ownership 3.0. Welcome to the future.

iOS and Android app

A modern app for your apple or android devices to plugin to our blockchain protocol. Scan rfID activated devices with NFC, see the status of owned items and utilize our portal. You can start the purchasing process right on the app. If you want to buy a used item that has been put for sale — end of the purchasing process is always when you’re in physical control of the object, as per design

Non-fungible Token

We use different type of blockchain token that is non-fungible, which means that each one is unique. It’s been all the rave for the past couple years as the world has tried to discover how to utilize them in the most intelligent ways. Our underpinning is the NFT, with special legal contracts, and trusted network infrastructure, to create a digital twin of your real world asset, and in effect because of the legal framework discovered and cited it becomes the legal ownership of the RWA (paralleled to physical ownership — possession)

Radio Frequency Identifier + NFC

A little radio microfrequency chip built into the item that responds when your reading device gets close to it. It sends specific information when your device process it accordingly with Near Field Communication chip. In our case the chip will send your scanning device the link to the NFT page that is legal ownership of the item, i.e. the bicycle.

WEB3 & Blockchain

Time layered and decentralized databases that maintain initial item state in history even when things are changed. Your goods that are on the blockchain have unadultered, free flowing, transparent history. Scan with the NFC to check the NFT; or get a link messaged to you; or generate QR; or search for the frame number – and you will get to the legal ownership certificate displaying the different contracts that make up the token and establish legal ownership and show its history. Welcome to ownership 3.0. Welcome to the future.

iOS and Android app

A modern app for your apple or android devices to plugin to our blockchain protocol. Scan rfID activated devices with NFC, see the status of owned items and utilize our portal. You can start the purchasing process right on the app. If you want to buy a used item that has been put for sale — end of the purchasing process is always when you’re in physical control of the object, as per design

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